Secrets of the Witch

Secrets of the Witch

Sept. 25, 2022

A bush party goes wrong.

Secrets of the Witch

Sept. 25, 2022

Secrets of the Witch
A bush party goes wrong.
Original title Secrets of the Witch
Directors Dixie Gers


Douglas Conner

as Bonfire Attendee

Brian Dorton

as Bonfire Attendee

Donna Dorton

as Bonfire Attendee

Fritz Dorton

as Bass Player

Adam Freeman

as Victim

Dixie Gers

as Witch

Roni Jonah

as Witch

Stephen McGill

as Victim

Bill Nugent

as Vocalist

Sarah Ramsey

as Witch

Sadie Red

as Witch

Joe Slack

as Victim

Thomas Townsend

as Victim