Sorrowing Man

Sorrowing Man

Drama | Dec. 13, 2022

Set in Perth, Western Australia, Mark reasons with a detective after he is brought in for questioning regarding the brutal murder of his estranged father in a dark and empty parking lot.

Sorrowing Man

Drama | Dec. 13, 2022

Sorrowing Man
Set in Perth, Western Australia, Mark reasons with a detective after he is brought in for questioning regarding the brutal murder of his estranged father in a dark and empty parking lot.
Producers Just An Idea Productions, Wolftale Pictures, Gumption Productions
Original title Sorrowing Man
Directors Jack Ruefli, Jaron Herren
Writers Lucy Simmons


Cody Brown

as Mark

Ron Arthurs

as St. John

Alex Arco

as Luther

Riley Stiles

as Young Mark

Stella Finn

as Blake