

80 mins | Comedy | Jan. 26, 1970

A fishing boat comes back to the port. Fishermen are crestfallen, as they have caught only one very little fish. To save face, they fib they have 300 kilo of mackerel on board the boat. In their will to report a success, the port administration decides to pad out the weight. So, the very little fish is grossly exaggerated into tons of belted bonito, then into dolphin and ultimately, into a whale. Which results in celebrations, honors and awards... There, naturally, is no any whale. Instead of brilliant display of an unprecedented success, the white collars make a brilliant display of their unparalleled foolishness.


80 mins | Comedy | Jan. 26, 1970

A fishing boat comes back to the port. Fishermen are crestfallen, as they have caught only one very little fish. To save face, they fib they have 300 kilo of mackerel on board the boat. In their will to report a success, the port administration decides to pad out the weight. So, the very little fish is grossly exaggerated into tons of belted bonito, then into dolphin and ultimately, into a whale. Which results in celebrations, honors and awards... There, naturally, is no any whale. Instead of brilliant display of an unprecedented success, the white collars make a brilliant display of their unparalleled foolishness.
IMDb rating 7.9
Producers Boyana Film
Original title Кит
Directors Petar B. Vasilev
Writers Cheremuhin


Georgi Kaloyanchev

as Parushev

Dimitar Panov

as Kalcho Kalchev

Georgi Partsalev

as Glavniyat inzhener

Tzvyatko Nikolov

as Petrov

Grigor Vachkov

as Captain

Stoyanka Mutafova

as баба Стойна

Nikola Dinev

as Redaktorat

Georgi Naumov

as Switchboard operator

Evstati Stratev

as Nachalnik parahodstvo

Naicho Petrov

as Parvi zam

Radoy Ralin

as Professor Bostandzhiev

Georgi Popov

as Vtori zam

Renata Kiselichka

as Komsomolskata sekretarka

Nadya Topalova

as Shofyor

Lyubomir Kiselichki

as Mladiyat nauchen rabotnik

Katya Chukova

as K. Chukova