The Unforseen

The Unforseen

Drama | Oct. 21, 1917

On the eve of her elopement with Henry Traquair, Margaret Fielding is accidentally discovered in Traquair's apartments by his friends, Captain Richard Haynes and Walter Maxwell.....

The Unforseen

Drama | Oct. 21, 1917

The Unforseen
On the eve of her elopement with Henry Traquair, Margaret Fielding is accidentally discovered in Traquair's apartments by his friends, Captain Richard Haynes and Walter Maxwell.....
Producers Empire All Star Corp
Original title The Unforseen
Directors John B. O'Brien
Writers Charles E. Whittaker


Olive Tell

as Margaret Fielding

Lionel Adams

as Richard Haynes

Warburton Gamble

as Henry Traquair

David Powell

as Walter Maxwell

Fuller Mellish

as Senator Fielding

Eileen Dennes

as Ethel Fielding