

200 mins | Drama | April 23, 1980

The story played by civilian players is laid in a Transdanubian village, where on the initiative of the municipality doctor the local inhabitants wish to build a social welfare home as volunteers, with the support of the local co-operative and the state farm. Having first consented to the plan, the leadership of the county starts opposing the project because of the plan to build a social welfare home called the City of the Happy Aged to be established by the county. Both parties take the field for their ideas and the battle starts.


200 mins | Drama | April 23, 1980

The story played by civilian players is laid in a Transdanubian village, where on the initiative of the municipality doctor the local inhabitants wish to build a social welfare home as volunteers, with the support of the local co-operative and the state farm. Having first consented to the plan, the leadership of the county starts opposing the project because of the plan to build a social welfare home called the City of the Happy Aged to be established by the county. Both parties take the field for their ideas and the battle starts.
Producers Dialóg Filmstúdió, Magyar Televízió
Original title Harcmodor
Directors Klára Tatai, Györgyi Szalai, István Dárday
Writers Györgyi Szalai


Ida Piri

as Dr. Tóthné - járási fõorvos (as Dr. Piri Ida)

Tivadar Kovács

as Gubica József - tanácselnök

Kálmán Fehér

as Szabó Kálmán - tanácselnök helyettes

József Kincses

as Fõkönyvelõ

János Hegedűs

as Csapó Mihály - Állami Gazdaság igazgató (as Dr. Hegedüs János)

Gyula Dávid

as Megyei Tanács elnökhelyettes

Sándor Kutas

as Járási Hivatal vezetõ (as Dr. Kutas Sándor)

Ádám Keller

as Megyei Tanács elnöke

Zsuzsa Purt

as Szakács Zsuzsa - szocpol elõadó

Mártonné Somogyi

as Horváth Éva - szocpol elõadó

Sándor Lozsányi

as Simon Sándor - tsz-elnök

Ferenc Vitz

as Megyei Fõorvos (as Dr. Vitz Ferenc)

István Arany

as Cserjés - tsz-elnök

István Lénárt

as Tóth - AFIT-igazgató

István Molnár

as Jogi osztályvezetõ (as Dr. Molnár István)

István Ress

as Terv osztályvezetõ

Sándor Jankó

as Pénzügyi osztályvezetõ

István Denkinger

as Cotter

Antal Gábor

as Molnár László

József Jándi

as Jól gazdálkodó tsz-elnök

András Sohajda

as Közepesen gazdálkodó tsz-elnök

József Hollósi

as Ellenkezõ tsz-elnök

György Mózes

as Megyei Vb-Tag (as Dr. Mózes György)