

119 mins | Comedy, Horror | Nov. 12, 2014

Because radioactive waste was dumped in the bog, a monster has emerged that targets the teenagers nearby. A sheriff, two big game hunters, a mad scientist and a journalist work together to kill the monster…


119 mins | Comedy, Horror | Nov. 12, 2014

Because radioactive waste was dumped in the bog, a monster has emerged that targets the teenagers nearby. A sheriff, two big game hunters, a mad scientist and a journalist work together to kill the monster…
Producers Brandl Pictures
Original title Moor-Monster!
Directors Monika Brandl, Günther Brandl, Helmut Brandl
Writers Monika Brandl, Günther Brandl, Helmut Brandl


Thomas Pill

as Jack Wood

Helmut Brandl

as Dr. Cornelius Bobo / Lewis

Monika Brandl

as Jackie Franco

Günther Brandl

as Sheriff Cohen

Katharina Buchberger

as Dr. D'Amato