I Like Bikes, But...

I Like Bikes, But...

14 mins | Aug. 4, 1978

An animated bike named Ike explains the safety hazards of bikes, chanting "I like bikes" as he moves through various settings, then following live-action bike riders. One falls over in the street and is nearly hit by Lisa's parents. Ike then narrates Lisa's interest in bikes through to her teenage years when she gets a car to see if she can be attentive now that she's not using hers as much.

I Like Bikes, But...

14 mins | Aug. 4, 1978

I Like Bikes, But...
An animated bike named Ike explains the safety hazards of bikes, chanting "I like bikes" as he moves through various settings, then following live-action bike riders. One falls over in the street and is nearly hit by Lisa's parents. Ike then narrates Lisa's interest in bikes through to her teenage years when she gets a car to see if she can be attentive now that she's not using hers as much.
IMDb rating 3.1
Producers Centron Corporation
Original title I Like Bikes, But...
Directors Trudy Travis, Robert Rose, Oscar Rojas, Ernest Johnson, Dennis Hess, Lauren Dolezal, Bob Deaton
Writers Douglas Poulter, Arthur H. Wolf
