Deadly Spring

Deadly Spring

105 mins | Dec. 21, 1939

The subject of this film is Dr. Ivan Egry, a young man, who becomes infatuated with Edit Ralben, the beautiful, but flirtatious, daughter of a prominent man. As the two get involved romantically, problems start to plague their relationship. When they end up separating, Ivan finds comfort with Josza, a pretty girl, much more stable than Edit, but far less glamorous. When Edit eventually re-enters Ivan’s life, he can’t resist her. Unable to resolve his conflicting emotions results in an abruptly tragic finale.

Deadly Spring

105 mins | Dec. 21, 1939

Deadly Spring
The subject of this film is Dr. Ivan Egry, a young man, who becomes infatuated with Edit Ralben, the beautiful, but flirtatious, daughter of a prominent man. As the two get involved romantically, problems start to plague their relationship. When they end up separating, Ivan finds comfort with Josza, a pretty girl, much more stable than Edit, but far less glamorous. When Edit eventually re-enters Ivan’s life, he can’t resist her. Unable to resolve his conflicting emotions results in an abruptly tragic finale.
IMDb rating 7.1
Original title Halálos tavasz
Directors László Kalmár


Pál Jávor

as Dr. Egry István

Katalin Karády

as Ralben Edit

Éva Szörényi

as Nagy Józsa

Ilona Tasnády

as Ralbenné

Artúr Somlay

as Ralben kegyelmes

Kálmán Rózsahegyi

as Plébános

Sándor Pethes

as Dr.Csokonai István

György Kürthy

as Képviselõ

Panni Kéry

as Margit

Paula Bacsányi

as Juli, házvezetõnõ

Tivadar Bilicsi

as Boskó Pál,újságíró

József Bihari

as Mák Pista,jegyzõ

Éva Adorján

as Maca, Józsa barátnõje

Gyula Kamarás

as gróf Ahrenberg

Sándor Hidassy

as Józsa bátyja

Rezsõ Acsay

as Irodavezetõ

László Misoga

as Házmester

Endre Pethõ

as Portás

Domokos Sala

as Rendõr

Mária Szemlér

as Szobalány

Gyula Terney

as Az irodavezetõ segédje