Black Magic Wizard

Black Magic Wizard

87 mins | Horror | Jan. 1, 1981

Snake lady Dewi kills a woman and steals her baby to be a companion for her own child. She returns to her form as a snake after she hands the babies to her shaman husband. When the babies, Sari and Maya, are adults, they are taught black magic and Sari is manipulated by her father to commit terror and murder in the village.

Black Magic Wizard

87 mins | Horror | Jan. 1, 1981

Black Magic Wizard
Snake lady Dewi kills a woman and steals her baby to be a companion for her own child. She returns to her form as a snake after she hands the babies to her shaman husband. When the babies, Sari and Maya, are adults, they are taught black magic and Sari is manipulated by her father to commit terror and murder in the village.
IMDb rating 5.6
Original title Dukun ilmu hitam
Directors A. Harris


Ruth Pelupessy

as Dewi

Farida Pasha

as Sari

Dian Ariestya

as Maya

Ray Sahetapy

as Panji

W.D. Mochtar

as Ulama

Dadang Iskandar

as Dukun (Wizard)