Sweet Stepmother

Sweet Stepmother

81 mins | Drama | Oct. 14, 1935

The child's must have a mother! - This is the doctor's instructions, and a young widow will do everything so that little girl's mood will change.

Sweet Stepmother

81 mins | Drama | Oct. 14, 1935

Sweet Stepmother
The child's must have a mother! - This is the doctor's instructions, and a young widow will do everything so that little girl's mood will change.
Producers Hermes Film Rt
Original title Édes mostoha
Directors Béla Balogh
Writers Arthur Lakner


Antal Páger

as Hargittay András báró

Gerő Mály

as Safranek, intézeti portás

Pécsi Gizi

as Erzsike,Hargittay lánya

Mici Erdélyi

as Bella,Mária barátnõje

Gyula Gózon

as Frici,az artista

Gusztáv Vándory

as Dr.Gárdonyi,a háziorvos

Piri Vaszary

as Ibolya

Ilona Dajbukát

as Gazdaasszony

Sally Kitty

as Sztepptáncos kislány az intézeti ünnepségen

István Lontay

as Inas

Éva Telbisz

as Pesztonka

Karola Zala

as Az intézet igazgatónõje