Kipling's Women

Kipling's Women

60 mins | Comedy, Adventure, Romance | May 6, 1961

Nudie-cutie suggested, as the title lets on, by a Kipling poem.

Kipling's Women

60 mins | Comedy, Adventure, Romance | May 6, 1961

Kipling's Women
Nudie-cutie suggested, as the title lets on, by a Kipling poem.
Producers William Mishkin Motion Pictures
Original title Kipling's Women
Directors Larry Smith, Fred Hudson
Writers Larry Smith, Fred Hudson


Felix de Cola

as Tommy Atkins

Margie Sutton

as Aggie

Margie Fisco

as Sweet Thing of 16

Malia Olandag

as Doll in the Teacup

Virginia Rogers

as The Cameo Girl

Robin Bliss

as The Colonel's Lady

Lisa Gordon

as Shiny She-Devil