Dog Nail Clipper

Dog Nail Clipper

105 mins | Drama | Feb. 12, 2004

Bright young soldier Mertsi suffers a permanent brain injury in the Second World War. In the late 1940s he wanders around the Finnish countryside looking for simple work and relying on other people's help. A workmate, Ville, tells him about his clever Spitz dog back home and the problems with her overlong dew claws. Together with his helpful war buddy Eetvi, Mertsi joins a lumber camp in the middle of a freezing winter, tries hard but finds the work there too strenuous for his body and mind. While he still sees nightmares about the war, in the daytime he keeps dreaming and worrying about the dog...

Dog Nail Clipper

105 mins | Drama | Feb. 12, 2004

Dog Nail Clipper
Bright young soldier Mertsi suffers a permanent brain injury in the Second World War. In the late 1940s he wanders around the Finnish countryside looking for simple work and relying on other people's help. A workmate, Ville, tells him about his clever Spitz dog back home and the problems with her overlong dew claws. Together with his helpful war buddy Eetvi, Mertsi joins a lumber camp in the middle of a freezing winter, tries hard but finds the work there too strenuous for his body and mind. While he still sees nightmares about the war, in the daytime he keeps dreaming and worrying about the dog...
IMDb rating 6.8
Producers Fennada-Filmi (1997-)
Original title Koirankynnen leikkaaja
Directors Tuula Nikkola, Jukki Tuura, Markku Pölönen
Writers Veikko Huovinen, Markku Pölönen


Peter Franzén

as Mertsi Arhippa Vepsäläinen

Taisto Reimaluoto

as Eetvi Manninen

Ahti Kuoppala

as Ville Kuosmanen

Ville Virtanen

as Foreman Luti

Risto Salmi

as Horseman Turpeinen

Timo Lavikainen

as epämukava Leinonen

Leo Lastumäki

as Kämppäukko

Simo Tamminen

as Lääkäri

Vieno Saaristo

as Taimi Kuosmanen

Hannu Virolainen

as Asemamies

Riitta Piironen

as Opettajatar

Seppo Timonen

as Humu

Aimo Räsänen

as Kuljettaja

Sami Haapala

as Tekomies

Reino Janhunen

as Tekomies

Tomi Kervinen

as Tekomies

Unto Kyllönen

as Tekomies

Heimo Kärnä

as Tekomies

Timo Laukkanen

as Tekomies

Lasse Palander

as Tekomies

Jaakko Saaristo

as Tekomies

Markku Tanskanen

as Tekomies

Terho Turunen

as Tekomies

Seija Puhakka

as Kämppäemäntä

Sanna Ryhänen

as Aputyttö

Martti Vaakanainen

as Jakomies

Pentti Seutu

as Puomintekijä

Immo Kokkonen

as Linja-auton kuljettaja

Jaakko Rummukainen

as Rahastaja

Risto Höylä

as Kuorma-auton kuljettaja

Aimo Kääriäinen

as Konduktööri

Lauri Palosuo

as Suojeluskuntalainen

Anne Bäckström

as Mertsin tyttöystävä

Virva Hartikainen

as Eetvin vaimo

Elvis Laine

as Venäläinen tarkka-ampuja