

25 mins | Drama | Sept. 9, 1916

Based on several medieval mystery plays, including the late 15th-century English morality play "Everyman". The premise is that the good and evil deeds of one's life will be tallied by God after death, as in a ledger book. The drama is the allegorical accounting of the life of Everyman, who represents all mankind.


25 mins | Drama | Sept. 9, 1916

Based on several medieval mystery plays, including the late 15th-century English morality play "Everyman". The premise is that the good and evil deeds of one's life will be tallied by God after death, as in a ledger book. The drama is the allegorical accounting of the life of Everyman, who represents all mankind.
Producers Eiko-Film
Original title Jedermann
Writers Hugo von Hofmannsthal


Werner Krauß

as Death

Johanna Terwin

as Buhlshaft