This belly-laugh funny theatrical hit spawned a genre of racy comedies revolving around "The Seven Year Itch." As several wacky bumblers find out, the "itching" can be true love, the "scratchin" a whole lot of fun, but what happens when the inevitable embarrassing situations ensue is pure hilarity.
Comezón a la Mexicana
85 mins
Dec. 14, 1989
This belly-laugh funny theatrical hit spawned a genre of racy comedies revolving around "The Seven Year Itch." As several wacky bumblers find out, the "itching" can be true love, the "scratchin" a whole lot of fun, but what happens when the inevitable embarrassing situations ensue is pure hilarity.
Cineproducciones Internacionales S.A., Gazcón Films S.A., Producciones EGA S.A., Grupo Cine