The Journey

The Journey

115 mins | Drama | April 20, 2019

Set in an apocalyptic era, The Journey tells the story of Adrian, played by Richards, who lived during the post-apocalyptic era where humans have become barbaric and murderous creatures. His only way of survival was to become a hermit. But one day, an abandoned baby is left under his care. And to make things more difficult for Adrian, he is forced to take on a mission of bringing the infant to a safe haven.

The Journey

115 mins | Drama | April 20, 2019

The Journey
Set in an apocalyptic era, The Journey tells the story of Adrian, played by Richards, who lived during the post-apocalyptic era where humans have become barbaric and murderous creatures. His only way of survival was to become a hermit. But one day, an abandoned baby is left under his care. And to make things more difficult for Adrian, he is forced to take on a mission of bringing the infant to a safe haven.
Producers APT Entertainment
Original title The Journey
