Cock’s Quickie

Cock’s Quickie

63 mins | Aug. 20, 2021

Huachindango is the small capital of a small Central American country. In this city, women must enter rooms managed by “The System” at different times in their lives, where there are different types of sexual assault. No woman in Huachindango escapes from entering, at one or more moments in her life, to these rooms. There is one room that is the most feared of all: Cock’s Quickie.

Cock’s Quickie

63 mins | Aug. 20, 2021

Cock’s Quickie
Huachindango is the small capital of a small Central American country. In this city, women must enter rooms managed by “The System” at different times in their lives, where there are different types of sexual assault. No woman in Huachindango escapes from entering, at one or more moments in her life, to these rooms. There is one room that is the most feared of all: Cock’s Quickie.
Producers Brujazul, Cine Murciélago
Original title Polvo de gallo
Directors Julio López Fernández
Writers Paola Miranda, Alicia Chong, Egly Larreynaga, Julio López Fernández


Paola Miranda

as Ili

Alicia Chong

as Coyota

César Pineda

as Oto

Magaly Lemus

as Cop