Rose-Tinted Glasses

Rose-Tinted Glasses

8 mins | Drama

Rose Tinted Glasses explores an intergenerational bond as granddaughter Sam reflects on her grandmother's life, her strength and her wisdom, prompted by watching old home movies. The piece celebrates the place of the grandmother in the family - from child to old age as well as the unique strength of a relationship between the two women - grandmother and granddaughter.

Rose-Tinted Glasses

8 mins | Drama

Rose-Tinted Glasses
Rose Tinted Glasses explores an intergenerational bond as granddaughter Sam reflects on her grandmother's life, her strength and her wisdom, prompted by watching old home movies. The piece celebrates the place of the grandmother in the family - from child to old age as well as the unique strength of a relationship between the two women - grandmother and granddaughter.
Producers BFI Film Academy, MediaActive
Original title Rose-Tinted Glasses
Directors Megan Wodzak-Thornton, Matthew Squire, Merlin Pears, Amelia Harrison, Elliot Auxant, Luke Allen
Writers Megan Wodzak-Thornton, Matthew Squire, Merlin Pears, Amelia Harrison, Elliot Auxant, Luke Allen


Kate Evans

as Sam Lincoln