

104 mins | Drama, Comedy, Thriller | Aug. 6, 2021

The suspense story follows three humanitarians whose mission in a remote village called Întregalde, in the Apuseni Mountains, in a remote area of Transylvania to offer the inhabitants various goods. Apart from a few quarrels and conflicts between the group members, everything seems to be going well for Maria and Dan. But soon after they stumble upon a disoriented local and try to help him, things go wrong.


104 mins | Drama, Comedy, Thriller | Aug. 6, 2021

The suspense story follows three humanitarians whose mission in a remote village called Întregalde, in the Apuseni Mountains, in a remote area of Transylvania to offer the inhabitants various goods. Apart from a few quarrels and conflicts between the group members, everything seems to be going well for Maria and Dan. But soon after they stumble upon a disoriented local and try to help him, things go wrong.
IMDb rating 6.7
Producers Multimedia Est, The East Company Productions
Original title Întregalde
Directors Radu Muntean
Writers Alexandru Baciu, Răzvan Rădulescu, Radu Muntean


Maria Popistașu

as Maria

Ilona Brezoianu

as Ilinca

Luca Sabin

as Kente