Intimate Encounters

Intimate Encounters

Feb. 8, 2011

Welcome to the Intimate Encounters Collection: a place where loving intimacy combines with raw passion. Here, real couples let you in on those private moments that make them both weak in the knees and hungry for more. A playful kiss, a secret whisper, a knowing touch... they all lead to Intimate Encounters! Passion reigns! This is were loving intimacy clashes with raw passion! Here, real couples invite you in to see them interact knowingly and bring each other to climax!

Intimate Encounters

Feb. 8, 2011

Intimate Encounters
Welcome to the Intimate Encounters Collection: a place where loving intimacy combines with raw passion. Here, real couples let you in on those private moments that make them both weak in the knees and hungry for more. A playful kiss, a secret whisper, a knowing touch... they all lead to Intimate Encounters! Passion reigns! This is were loving intimacy clashes with raw passion! Here, real couples invite you in to see them interact knowingly and bring each other to climax!
Producers Adam & Eve
Original title Intimate Encounters
Directors Annabelle Black