Territórios de Resistência - Florestanias, Sertanias, Ribeirias

Territórios de Resistência - Florestanias, Sertanias, Ribeirias

102 mins | Documentary | Sept. 30, 2021

The production brings together records of the last activity carried out during the “Occupação Museu do Ipiranga”, comments from thinkers, indigenous leaders, researches and religious leaders to discuss the symbolic role of the territory in the disputes over narratives and in the processes of resistance of the peoples that coexist in the country .

Territórios de Resistência - Florestanias, Sertanias, Ribeirias

102 mins | Documentary | Sept. 30, 2021

Territórios de Resistência - Florestanias, Sertanias, Ribeirias
The production brings together records of the last activity carried out during the “Occupação Museu do Ipiranga”, comments from thinkers, indigenous leaders, researches and religious leaders to discuss the symbolic role of the territory in the disputes over narratives and in the processes of resistance of the peoples that coexist in the country .
Producers SescTV, Museu do Ipiranga
Original title Territórios de Resistência - Florestanias, Sertanias, Ribeirias
Directors Yghor Boy, Maria Thaís
