Bed Party

Bed Party

20 mins | Oct. 25, 2016

Bed Party flips the porno script with a “Porno Vérité” documentary style look behind the private doors of porn’s public performers. Well-known within the kink community, Eden Alexander and Sebastian Keys have found love and beautifully sordid sex in their queer and pansexual relationship.

Bed Party

20 mins | Oct. 25, 2016

Bed Party
Bed Party flips the porno script with a “Porno Vérité” documentary style look behind the private doors of porn’s public performers. Well-known within the kink community, Eden Alexander and Sebastian Keys have found love and beautifully sordid sex in their queer and pansexual relationship.
Producers Pink and White Productions
Original title Bed Party
Directors Shine Louise Houston