Bittersweet Sixteen

Bittersweet Sixteen

103 mins | Drama, Comedy | Dec. 22, 2021

A troubled teen grapples with high school rivals, romantic prospects and her parents' separation as she plans the perfect sweet 16 birthday party.

Bittersweet Sixteen

103 mins | Drama, Comedy | Dec. 22, 2021

Bittersweet Sixteen
A troubled teen grapples with high school rivals, romantic prospects and her parents' separation as she plans the perfect sweet 16 birthday party.
IMDb rating 5.5
Producers Zodiak Belgium, Max Rockatansky
Original title Bittersweet Sixteen
Directors Anna Verheyen, Lien Willaert, Jan Verheyen


Yana Steenhout

as Lotte

Ninalotte Roose

as Astrid

Imea Denooze

as Alexa

Steffi Mercie

as Angel

Zion Luts

as Tymen

Aaron Blommaert

as David

Stien Edlund

as Stefanie

Ayco Weets

as Fleur

Jerome Plattenbos

as Youssef

Lars Rogiers

as Raf