Under Mexican Skies

Under Mexican Skies

Western | April 13, 1912

Pasquale, half Mexican, secures work on the ranch of old Fowler. Fowler has a pretty daughter, Vedah, who teaches the district school. Pasquale meets the girl on several occasions and falls in love with her. She repulses his attentions and tries to show him his error in loving her, but Pasquale is determined and, one day, rides to the schoolhouse after the children are dismissed. Finding Vedah alone he again renews his attentions and is on the point of taking her in his arms when she holds aloft a crucifix and, terror-stricken, Pasquale hurriedly leaves.

Under Mexican Skies

Western | April 13, 1912

Under Mexican Skies
Pasquale, half Mexican, secures work on the ranch of old Fowler. Fowler has a pretty daughter, Vedah, who teaches the district school. Pasquale meets the girl on several occasions and falls in love with her. She repulses his attentions and tries to show him his error in loving her, but Pasquale is determined and, one day, rides to the schoolhouse after the children are dismissed. Finding Vedah alone he again renews his attentions and is on the point of taking her in his arms when she holds aloft a crucifix and, terror-stricken, Pasquale hurriedly leaves.
Producers The Essanay Film Manufacturing Company
Original title Under Mexican Skies
Directors Gilbert M. Anderson


Gilbert M. Anderson

as Pasquale

Vedah Bertram

as Vedah Fowler

Brinsley Shaw

as Vedah's Eastern Suitor