

Thriller, Horror | Oct. 3, 2009

In the wake of her parents' death, Kara Fallon struggles to maintain her sanity through increasingly intense encounters with a weeping spirit of Irish legend. If these visions are not real, how can the eccentric comic book artist Duff capture her terror so vividly in his latest work, "Cry"?


Thriller, Horror | Oct. 3, 2009

In the wake of her parents' death, Kara Fallon struggles to maintain her sanity through increasingly intense encounters with a weeping spirit of Irish legend. If these visions are not real, how can the eccentric comic book artist Duff capture her terror so vividly in his latest work, "Cry"?
Producers Lights Out Film Group
Original title Cry
Directors Scott A. Klein
Writers F. Darren Sanchez


Joey Klein

as Duff

Colleen Conroy

as Kara Fallon

Ross Mason

as Michael Fallon

Jennifer Crane Turner

as The Fallon Banshee

John Lenihan

as Gallagher O'Grady

Rebecca Nyahay

as The O'Grady Banshee

Brian Schaer

as Joe

Roy Harry

as Friar Kearney