Top 250
Titus Popovici
Titus Popovici
A Farewell to Fools (2013)
The Stone Cross (1994)
DivorČ›... din dragoste (1992)
Miss Litoral (1991)
Secretul lui Nemesis (1987)
The Last Assault (1985)
The Secret of Bacchus (1984)
The Oil, the Baby and the Transylvanians (1981)
Ion: The Lust for the Land, the Lust for Love (1980)
The Actress, the Dollars and the Transylvanians (1978)
The Prophet, the Gold, and the Transylvanians (1978)
Operation 'The Monster' (1976)
The Actor and the Savages (1975)
No Trespassing (1975)
The Immortals (1974)
The Trap (1974)
Long Way to Tipperary (1973)
The Conspiracy (1973)
The Last Bullet (1973)
With Clean Hands (1972)
The Power and The Truth (1972)
Then I Sentenced Them All to Death (1972)
Michael the Brave (1971)
The Column (1968)
The Dacians (1967)
Forest of the Hanged (1965)
The Stranger (1964)
The Thirst (1960)
The Storm (1960)
The Waves of the Danube (1960)
The Mill of Good Luck (1957)