Rose Tapley

Rose Tapley

Rose Tapley

Rose Tapley


Sex Madness (1938)

Mrs. Hamilton

Resurrection (1931)

Princess Sophya

It (1927)

Second Welfare Worker (uncredited)

Java Head (1923)

Rhoda Ammidon

A Marriage of Convenience (1918)

Mrs. Girard, Mildred's Mother

The Diver (1913)

Rita Melrose

Fortune's Turn (1913)

The Child's Mother

Mixed Identities (1913)

The Twins' Mother

Three Black Bags (1913)

Slick-Fingered Mag

Every Inch a Man (1912)

Mrs. Chapman - the Mother

As You Like It (1912)

Phoebe, a Shepherdess

The Higher Mercy (1912)

Mrs. Abraham Lincoln

The Heart of Esmeralda (1912)

Mrs. Foster - Esmeralda's Mother

A Juvenile Love Affair (1912)

Mrs. Strong - the Boy's Mother

The Black Sheep (1912)

Mrs. Harold Moreland

Conscience (1912)

Eleanor Gale - Harold's Wife

The Money Kings (1912)

Marion Mallard - the Spy

On the Pupil of His Eye (1912)

Lucy - the Housekeeper

The Old Silver Watch (1912)

The Children's Distraught Mother

Vanity Fair (1911)

Amelia Sedley

The Men Haters Club (1910)

Men Haters Club Member