Igor Kashintsev

Igor Kashintsev

Igor Kashintsev

Igor Kashintsev


American grandpa (1993)

Иван Васильевич

Co-op Politburo, or Will be a long farewell (1992)

Pyotr Petrovich (dvoynik Khruscheva)

Hostages (1991)

Andrey Lukich

Don't Wake a Sleeping Dog (1991)

Petr Romanovich Pinchukov

Rys Follows the Path (1982)

пассажир вертолёта, «большая шишка»

Полет с космонавтом (1980)

представитель Стройтреста

Pirates of the 20th Century (1979)

representative of a western company, pirate informant - Agent Lotos

The Captain's Daughter (1978)

Official (uncredited)

Trust (1976)


Autumn (1974)


Wings (1966)

Andrey, Guest as Tanya and Igor's (uncredited)