Victor Varconi

Victor Varconi

Victor Varconi

Victor Varconi


Where There's Life (1947)

Finance Minister Zavitch

Unconquered (1947)

Captain Simeon Ecuyer

They Raid by Night (1942)

Col. Otto von Ritter

Forced Landing (1941)

Hendrick Van Deuren

Pound Foolish (1940)

Victor Lestrade

Submarine Patrol (1938)

Italian Naval Chaplain Vanzano

Suez (1938)

Victor Hugo

Dancing Pirate (1936)

Don Balthazar (Monterey Captain of the Guards)

Safe in Hell (1931)

General Gómez

Men in Her Life (1931)

Count Ivan Karloff

Doctors' Wives (1931)

Dr. Kane Ruyter

Captain Thunder (1930)

El Captain Thunder

Eternal Love (1929)

Lorenz Gruber

The King of Kings (1927)

Pontius Pilate - Governor of Judea

Triumph (1924)

William Silver

Avalanche (1923)

George Vandeau

Young Medardus (1923)

Medardus Klähr

Sodom and Gomorrah (1922)

Priester des Lyzeums - Engel des Herrn

Mágnás Miska (1917)

Baracs (as Várkonyi Mihály)