Max Wagner

Max Wagner

Max Wagner

Max Wagner


Terror in the Wax Museum (1973)

Music Hall Drunk (Uncredited)

True Grit (1969)

Courtroom Spectator (uncredited)

4 for Texas (1963)

Blackjack Dealer

To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)

Courtroom Spectator (uncredited)

I Died a Thousand Times (1955)

Deputy Charlie (uncredited)

East of Eden (1955)

Workman (uncredited)

The Great Diamond Robbery (1954)

Policeman (uncredited)

Invaders from Mars (1953)

Army Sgt. Rinaldi

The Racket (1951)

Durko (uncredited)

Frenchie (1950)

Drunk (uncredited)

Reign of Terror (1949)

Citizen (uncredited)

Caught (1949)

Projectionist (uncredited)

Shed No Tears (1948)

Second Investigating Detective (Uncredited)

That Brennan Girl (1946)

Moving Man (uncredited)

It's a Wonderful Life (1946)

Cashier / Nick's Assistant Bouncer (uncredited)

Dick Tracy vs. Cueball (1946)

Bartender (uncredited)

The Lost Weekend (1945)

Mike (uncredited)

Fallen Angel (1945)

Bartender (uncredited)

A Medal for Benny (1945)

Jake (uncredited)

The Miracle of Morgan’s Creek (1944)

Military Police Driver (uncredited)

Boss of Boomtown (1944)

Sergeant George Dunne

Panama Hattie (1942)

Jailer (uncredited)

The Palm Beach Story (1942)

Tom's Best Man (uncredited)

Sabotage Squad (1942)

Recruiting Sergeant

The Talk of the Town (1942)

Moving Man (uncredited)

The Spoilers (1942)

Deputy (uncredited)

Obliging Young Lady (1942)

Jack - Diner Counterman (uncredited)

Texas (1941)

Fats Delaney

The Mad Doctor (1940)

Cab Driver (Uncredited)

The Bank Dick (1940)

Shirtless Ditchdigger (uncredited)

Hired Wife (1940)

Streetcar Conductor

Wildcat Bus (1940)

Bus Driver Jackson

They Drive by Night (1940)

Sweeney, Driver (uncredited)

The Ghost Breakers (1940)

Ship Porter (uncredited)

Pop Always Pays (1940)

Bill - Policeman in Car 43

The Grapes of Wrath (1940)

Guard (uncredited)

Millionaire Playboy (1940)

Highway Patrol Officer

Mexican Spitfire (1940)

Headwaiter - Mexican Pete's

Reno (1939)

Police Lt. Joe Wilson

The Roaring Twenties (1939)

Gangster (uncredited)

5th Ave Girl (1939)

Policeman (uncredited)

The Day the Bookies Wept (1939)

Bet Placing Taxi Driver (uncredited)

Mr. Moto in Danger Island (1939)

Sailor at Wrestling Match

Money to Loan (1939)

Hanley's Strong-Arm Man

Fast and Loose (1939)

Nolan's Henchman

Off the Record (1939)

Visitor (uncredited)

Scouts to the Rescue (1939)

Joe - Truck Driver-Henchman

Tarnished Angel (1938)

Tough Casino Decoy

Painted Desert (1938)

Henchman Kincaid

Professor Beware (1938)

Chinatown Barker

Stage Door (1937)

Baggage Man (uncredited)

San Quentin (1937)

Prison Runner

The Great O'Malley (1937)

School Bus Driver (uncredited)

Black Legion (1937)

Truck Driver in Diner (uncredited)

You Only Live Once (1937)

Dan - Corridor Guard (uncredited)

We Who Are About to Die (1937)

Cell Block E Convict (uncredited)

Night Waitress (1936)

Diner Trying to Date Helen

The Big Game (1936)

Man Outside Hotel

Walking on Air (1936)

Sam, Second Gas Station Attendant (uncredited)

Love Begins at Twenty (1936)

Lester - O'Bannion's Driver

Bullets or Ballots (1936)

Actor Impersonating Kruger in Newsreel (uncredited)

Dancing Pirate (1936)

Pirate (uncredited)

Chatterbox (1936)

Himself (uncredited)

Paddy O'Day (1936)

Milkman's Helper on Dock

Gridiron Flash (1934)

Convict Football Player

Blind Date (1934)

Evans - Bob's Chauffeur

The Lost Jungle (1934)

Slade (Mary R Crewman)

Before Dawn (1933)

Policeman in Car (uncredited)

Rockabye (1932)

Reporter (uncredited)

Cock of the Air (1932)

Military Policeman

Suicide Fleet (1931)

Radio Operator

Going Wild (1930)

Ferguson - Pilot

Numbered Men (1930)

Convict Road Laborer (uncredited)