Top 250
David Smith
David Smith
Two to One (1927)
Baree, Son of Kazan (1925)
Captain Blood (1924)
Borrowed Husbands (1924)
The Man from Brodney's (1923)
Pioneer Trails (1923)
The Ninety and Nine (1922)
Little Wildcat (1922)
A Girl's Desire (1922)
The Little Minister (1922)
Flower of the North (1921)
The Silver Car (1921)
Black Beauty (1921)
The Courage of Marge O'Doone (1920)
Pegeen (1920)
Over the Garden Wall (1919)
The Wishing Ring Man (1919)
The Enchanted Barn (1919)
The Dawn of Understanding (1918)
A Gentleman's Agreement (1918)
Baree, Son of Kazan (1918)
The Woman in the Web (1918)