Bobby Watson

Bobby Watson

Bobby Watson

Bobby Watson


The High Cost of Loving (1958)

Marvin Phyffe (uncredited)

No Escape (1953)

Claude Duffy (as Robert Watson)

Singin' in the Rain (1952)

Diction Coach (uncredited)

Copper Canyon (1950)

Bixby (as Robert Watson)

The Big Clock (1948)

Morton Spalding

It Ain't Hay (1943)

Clerk (uncredited)

Kid Nightingale (1939)

Oscar - the Service Station Man (uncredited)

Coast Guard (1939)

Desk Clerk (uncredited)

Lucky Night (1939)

Orchestra Leader at George's (uncredited)

The Kid From Texas (1939)

Polo Match Announcer

Captains Courageous (1937)

Reporter (uncredited)

Dangerous Number (1937)

Orchestra Leader

Libeled Lady (1936)

Waif (uncredited)

The Gay Bride (1934)

Car Salesman (uncredited)

Arrowsmith (1931)

Little Neighbor (uncredited)

Syncopation (1929)

Benny Darrell