Top 250
Júlio Bressane
Júlio Bressane
The Long Voyage of the Yellow Bus (2023)
Capitu and the Chapter (2021)
Nietzsche Sils Maria Rochedo de Surlej (2019)
Seduction of the Flesh (2018)
Beduino (2016)
Kid (2015)
Sentimental Education (2013)
Venice 70: Future Reloaded (2013)
Drumming Beat of the Stars (2012)
Aperana Street 52 (2012)
The Herb of the Rat (2008)
Cleopatra (2007)
Passagem em Ferrara (2007)
Ver Viver Reviver (2007)
A Love Movie (2003)
Days of Nietzsche in Turin (2001)
São Jerônimo (1999)
Miramar (1997)
The Mandarin (1996)
Dark Galaxy (1993)
Oswaldianas (1992)
Sermões - A História de Antônio Vieira (1989)
Brás Cubas (1985)
Tabu (1983)
O Gigante da América (1980)
Naive Cinema (1979)
The Agony (1976)
O Rei do Baralho (1975)
Viola Chinesa (1975)
O Monstro Caraíba (1975)
Lágrima Pantera (1972)
Crazy Love (1971)
Memoirs of a Strangler of Blondes (1971)
A Família do Barulho (1970)
Watch Out, Madame (1970)
Baron Olavo, the Horrible (1970)
The Angel Was Born (1969)
Killed the Family and Went to the Movies (1969)
Cara a Cara (1967)
Bethânia Bem de Perto: A Propósito de um Show (1966)
Plantation Boy (1966)
The Long Voyage of the Yellow Bus (2023)
Capitu and the Chapter (2021)
Nietzsche Sils Maria Rochedo de Surlej (2019)
Seduction of the Flesh (2018)
Beduino (2016)
Kid (2015)
Sentimental Education (2013)
Aperana Street 52 (2012)
The Herb of the Rat (2008)
Cleopatra (2007)
A Love Movie (2003)
São Jerônimo (1999)
Miramar (1997)
The Mandarin (1996)
Killed the Family and Went to the Movies (1991)
Sermões - A História de Antônio Vieira (1989)
Brás Cubas (1985)
Tabu (1983)
O Gigante da América (1980)
Naive Cinema (1979)
The Agony (1976)
Viola Chinesa (1975)
O Monstro Caraíba (1975)
Crazy Love (1971)
Memoirs of a Strangler of Blondes (1971)
A Família do Barulho (1970)
Baron Olavo, the Horrible (1970)
Watch Out, Madame (1970)
The Angel Was Born (1969)
Killed the Family and Went to the Movies (1969)
Cara a Cara (1967)
The Queen of the Night (2023)
O Espectro
Candango: Memoirs from a Festival (2020)
A Mulher da Luz Própria (2019)
Self (archive footage)
Nietzsche Sils Maria Rochedo de Surlej (2019)
About Cinema (2015)
Earth (2015)
Copacabana, Mon Amour: A Restauração (2014)
Júlio Bressane
Sentimental Education (2013)
Drumming Beat of the Stars (2012)
Avacalha e se Esculhamba (2010)
Belair (2009)
A Vermelha Luz do Bandido (2009)
Ver Viver Reviver (2007)
A Miss e o Dinossauro (2005)
Himself (archive footage)
Talking Cinema (1986)
Brás Cubas (1985)
Naive Cinema (1979)
Horror Palace Hotel (1978)
The Agony (1976)
Viola Chinesa (1975)
Lágrima Pantera (1972)