James Earl Jones

James Earl Jones

James Earl Jones

James Earl Jones


Mufasa: The Lion King (2024)

Mufasa (Archive Voice)

On Broadway (2021)

Self (archive footage)

Coming 2 America (2021)

King Jaffe Joffer

The Lion King (2019)

Mufasa (voice)

Gimme Shelter (2013)

Frank McCarthy

Blackfish (2013)

Self (archive footage)

Waking Sleeping Beauty (2009)

Self (archive footage)

Click (2006)

Narrator of Michael's Past (uncredited)

Scary Movie 4 (2006)

Narrator (uncredited)

The Benchwarmers (2006)

Darth Vader (voice)

Robots (2005)

Voice Box at Hardware Store (voice)

The Story of Star Wars (2004)

Darth Vader (archive footage)

Finder's Fee (2001)

Avery Phillips

Summer's End (2000)

Dr. William 'Bill' Blakely

Santa and Pete (1999)

James Earl Jones

Our Friend, Martin (1999)

Daddy King (voice)

Primary Colors (1998)

CNN Voiceover (voice)

Gang Related (1997)

Arthur Baylor

Afro Promo (1997)

Self (archive footage)

Judge Dredd (1995)

Narrator (uncredited)

The Lion King (1994)

Mufasa (voice)

Hallelujah (1993)

Old Man Taylor

Michael Jackson - Dangerous - The Short Films (1993)

Himself (Superbowl Heal The World) Voice

Sommersby (1993)

Judge Barry Conrad Issacs

Lincoln (1992)

Narrator (voice)

Sneakers (1992)

Mr. Bernard Abbott

Patriot Games (1992)

Adm. James Greer

Convicts (1991)

Ben Johnson

Ivory Hunters (1990)

Inspector Nkuru

Heat Wave (1990)

Junius Johnson

By Dawn's Early Light (1990)

Looking Glass General - 'Alice'

Teach 109 (1990)

Dr. Winston

Terrorgram (1988)

Retribution (voice)

Coming to America (1988)

King Jaffe Joffer

Matewan (1987)

'Few Clothes' Johnson

Gardens of Stone (1987)

Sgt. Maj.'Goody' Nelson

Soul Man (1986)

Professor Banks

Return of the Jedi (1983)

Darth Vader (voice)

God's Trombones (1981)

Himself - Narrator (segment "The Creation")

The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

Darth Vader (voice) (uncredited)

The Making of Star Wars (1977)

Darth Vader (voice) (uncredited)

Star Wars (1977)

Darth Vader (voice) (uncredited)

The River Niger (1976)

Johnny Williams

Deadly Hero (1975)

Rabbit Shazam

Claudine (1974)

Rupert D. "Roop" Marshall

The Man (1972)

Douglass Dilman

Malcolm X (1972)

Biographical Narration (voice)