Bill Smitrovich

Bill Smitrovich

Bill Smitrovich

Bill Smitrovich


Joker: Folie à Deux (2024)

Judge Herman Rothwax

Seven Pounds (2008)

George Ristuccia

Eagle Eye (2008)

Admiral Thompson

Iron Man (2008)

General Gabriel

Heavens Fall (2006)

George Chamlee

While I Was Gone (2004)

Reverend Daniel Beckett

Thirteen Days (2000)

Gen. Maxwell Taylor

Futuresport (1999)

Coach Douglas

The 60s (1999)

Bill Herlihy

Air Force One (1997)

General Northwood

The Phantom (1996)

Uncle Dave Palmer

Nick of Time (1995)

Officer Trust

Bodily Harm (1995)

Lt. Darryl Stewart

Gregory K (1993)

George Russ

Manhunter (1986)

Lloyd Bowman

The Beniker Gang (1985)

Laundry Truck Driver

Splash (1984)

Ralph Bauer