Luís Miguel Cintra

Luís Miguel Cintra

Luís Miguel Cintra

Luís Miguel Cintra


War (2020)

Cabo Mira

Second Hand (2013)

Henrique Castro Lima

Demain? (2011)

Ruben Dario

Magic Mirror (2006)

Filipe Quinta

The Fifth Empire (2004)

Simão, Sapateiro Santo

Word and Utopia (2000)

Padre António Vieira (middle age)

Peixe-Lua (2000)

Dr. João José

Casa de Lava (1995)

Actor convidado

Two Brothers, My Sister (1994)

Friend at the Apartment

Poor George (1993)

Highschool Teacher Luis

Day of Despair (1992)

Freitas Fortuna

The Last Dive (1992)

Hyperion Extracts Reader (voice)

No, or the Vain Glory of Command (1990)

Ens. Cabrita, Viriato, Don João de Portugal

Blood (1989)

The Uncle

The Cannibals (1988)

Viscount d'Aveleda

The Jester (1987)

Count of Trava

Island of Loves (1982)

Wenceslau de Moraes

Silvestre (1982)

Pilgrim / Knight / D. Raimundo