Aleksandr Vokach

Aleksandr Vokach

Aleksandr Vokach

Aleksandr Vokach


Perfect crime (1989)

Lamont - Audrey's father

Lady with a Parrot (1988)


My Dearly Beloved Detective (1986)

член клуба холостяков

The Kiss (1983)

генерал фон Раббек

The Nightingale (1980)

Chancellor Krab

Rally (1978)


Last Summer of Childhood (1975)

Зимин, главный инженер

Flight Is Postponed (1974)

Linevsky, a passenger flying to Odessa

This Merry Planet (1973)

Пал Палыч, затейник

Land, Poste Restante (1973)

investigator de Leo

Northern Crusades (1972)

riteris Hirchalsas, Kotrynos brolis