Michèle Morgan

Michèle Morgan

Michèle Morgan

Michèle Morgan


Everybody's Fine (1990)

Femme dans le train

A Man and a Woman: 20 Years Later (1986)

Une spectatrice de '40 ans déjà'

Cat and Mouse (1975)

Madame Richard

The Diary of an Innocent Boy (1968)

Comtesse Gabrielle de Valandry

Lost Command (1966)

Countess de Clairefons

The Last Steps (1964)

Yolande Simonnet

The Scapegoat (1963)

Princess Sofia

Bluebeard (1963)

Célestine Buisson

Rencontres (1962)

Bella Krasner

The Lions Are Loose (1961)

Cécile, l'amie d'Albertine

Fortunate (1960)

Juliette Valcourt

The Wretches (1960)

Thelma Rooland

Maxime (1958)

Jacqueline Monneron

The Mirror Has Two Faces (1958)

Marie-José Vauzange-Tardivet

The Grand Manoeuvre (1955)

Marie-Louise Rivière

Napoleon (1955)

Joséphine de Beauharnais

Oasis (1955)

Françoise Lignières

Obsession (1954)

Hélène Giovanni

Daughters of Destiny (1954)

Jeanne d'Arc / Joan of Arc (segment "Jeanne")

The Seven Deadly Sins (1952)

Anne-Marie de Pallières (segment "Pride")

The Strange Madame X (1951)

Irène Voisin-Larive

The Glass Castle (1950)

Evelyne Lorin-Bertal

The Naked Heart (1950)

Maria Chapdelaine

Here Is the Beauty (1950)

Jeanne Morel / Irène Baranoskaïa

The Chase (1946)

Lorna Roman

Immortal France (1943)

Marie Froment-Léonard

Orage (1938)

Françoise Massart

Gribouille (1937)

Natalie Roguin

My Aunts and I (1937)

Michèle (as Simone Morgan)

Forty Little Mothers (1936)

A student (uncredited)

Meet Miss Mozart (1936)

Extra (uncredited)