Pierre Duncan

Pierre Duncan

Pierre Duncan

Pierre Duncan


Last Known Address (1970)

Agent at the police station (uncredited)

The Gardener of Argenteuil (1966)

Un agent de police (uncredited)

Trap for the Assassin (1966)

Le domestique de Luversan

Les combinards (1966)

Le gardien de prison

Auguste (1961)

Orange producer (uncredited)

A Martian in Paris (1961)

An inspector (uncredited)

The Suspects (1957)

Beefcake (uncredited)

Life is beautiful (1956)

Le malabar (uncredited)

She and Me (1952)

Un gendarme (uncredited)

Run Away Mr. Perle (1952)

Le typographe (uncredited)

Le costaud des Batignolles (1952)

The butcher at the fair

Bibi Fricotin (1951)

Un déménageur

Dear Caroline (1951)

Un voisin de Cathy

Marlène (1949)


White Paws (1949)


Silence Is Golden (1947)

Le vizir (uncredited)