Boris Novikov

Boris Novikov

Boris Novikov

Boris Novikov


Gingerbread (1993)

The Adder (voice)

Winter in Prostokvashino (1984)

Pechkin the Postman (voice)

Nice to Live Not Forbid (1982)

отец Бодрова

Vacations in Prostokvashino (1980)

Pechkin the Postman (voice)

The Adventures of Prince Florisel (1979)

Генерал Венделер

The Magic Ring (1979)

Peasant (voice)

A French Lesson (1978)

дед Илья

Three from Prostokvashino (1978)

Pechkin the Postman (voice)

Funny People! (1977)


Youth Island (1976)

Grandpa Stepan

Мы с Джеком (1973)


Lyubov Yarovaya (1970)

Konstantin Groznoy

Shot (1966)


Road to the Sea (1966)

moscow taxi driver

The Whistle Stop (1963)

collective farm foreman

The Blue Arrow (1958)

Lieutenant Dudnik