Top 250
Arturo Ripstein
Arturo Ripstein
Devil Between the Legs (2019)
Bleak Street (2015)
The Reasons of the Heart (2011)
Crazy Carnival (2006)
Los héroes y el tiempo (2005)
Mi gran noche (2004)
The Virgin of Lust (2002)
The Ruination of Men (2000)
Así es la vida... (2000)
No One Writes to the Colonel (1999)
Divine (1998)
Deep Crimson (1996)
The Queen of the Night (1994)
The Beginning and the End (1994)
La mujer del puerto (1991)
Love Lies (1989)
The Realm of Fortune (1986)
El otro (1986)
Trail of Death (1981)
La seducción (1981)
Life Sentence (1979)
Aunt Alejandra (1979)
The Illegal (1979)
The Place Without Limits (1978)
Lecumberri (1977)
The Black Widow (1977)
Foxtrot (1976)
The Holy Inquisition (1974)
Castle of Purity (1973)
The Castaway on the Street of Providence (1971)
Memories of the Future (1969)
The Children's Hour (1969)
Dangerous Game (1967)
Time to Die (1966)
The Exterminating Angel (1962)
Mi gran noche (2004)
Trail of Death (1981)
La seducción (1981)
Life Sentence (1979)
The Place Without Limits (1978)
Foxtrot (1976)
The Holy Inquisition (1974)
Cinco mil dolares de recompensa (1974)
Castle of Purity (1973)
Whoever is Responsible (1971)
Memories of the Future (1969)
Jugaremos en el bosque (2024)
Don Francisco (Patriarca)
Recuerdo De Mi Presentación (2020)
V.O. Sacerdote
The Queen of Spain (2016)
Sam Spiegelman
Internet Junkie (2015)
Kurosawa: The Last Emperor (1999)
The African Lover (1985)
Trail of Death (1981)
Adriana del Rio, actriz (1979)
Cuartelazo (1977)
Familiarities (1969)
The Specter's Road (1967)
Matilde's Son
There Are No Thieves in This Village (1965)
Los novios de mis hijas (1964)