Brian Huskey

Brian Huskey

Brian Huskey

Brian Huskey


The Bob's Burgers Movie (2022)

Regular Size Rudy (voice)

My Butt Has a Fever (2022)

Regular-Sized Rudy (voice)

Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)

Elementary School Teacher

Premature (2014)

Principal Hansen

Neighbors (2014)

Bill Wazowkowski

Tarzan (2013)

Smith (voice)

The To Do List (2013)

High School Principal

iSteve (2013)

Professor Palladino

Let Go (2011)

Man Passing By

The Scenesters (2009)

Bill from Aftershocks

Shrink (2009)

Film Executive #1

Semi-Pro (2008)

White Pants

Superbad (2007)

Elementary Principal

Saturday at the Starlight

Principal Krotchka