Gabrielle Rose

Gabrielle Rose

Gabrielle Rose

Gabrielle Rose


Kingsway (2019)

Mary Horvath

Christmas Joy (2018)

Poppy Watherton

Final Vision (2017)

Mildred Kassab

Damaged (2015)

Principal Hosie

Heavenly Match (2014)

Olivia Thompkins

Repeaters (2012)

Peg Halsted

OMG (2012)


Grace (2009)

Vivian Matheson

What Goes Up (2009)

Mrs. Bridigan

Beneath (2007)

Mrs. Locke

Sisters (2006)

Dr. Mercedes Kent

Where the Truth Lies (2005)

Publishing Executive

Hush (2005)

Dell Carter

The Rhino Brothers (2002)

Ellen Kanachowski

Trapped (2001)

Mary Maculwain

Timecop (1994)

Judge Marshall

The Stepfather (1987)

Dorothy Rinehard

Love, Mary (1985)

Julie Trenton

Blackout (1985)

Victim's Friend