Lucien Callamand

Lucien Callamand

Lucien Callamand

Lucien Callamand


Young Wolves (1968)

Petit rôle (uncredited)

Le naïf amoureux (1965)

The boss of the café-tobacco

Prisoner of the Jungle (1960)

Member of Bourderoux's office

Blonde in a White Car (1959)

Julien - le jardinier

Mort en fraude (1957)

The Chief of Police

The Case of Dr. Laurent (1957)

M. Bertrand - le directeur de l'école

I Was It Three Times (1952)

Un monsieur (uncredited)

A Girl on the Road (1952)

Valet (uncredited)

Fan-Fan the Tulip (1952)

Le maréchal de Brandebourg

The Woman with the Orchid (1952)

Tailor Jourdan / Captain Wells

Utopia (1951)

Le porteur (uncredited)

Adhémar or the Toy of Destiny (1951)

Le régisseur (uncredited)

The Convict (1951)

Maître Gloriette

Love and Companionship (1950)

The doorman of the Cannes hotel (uncredited)

Truant School (1949)

Calculation Examiner

L'assassin a peur la nuit (1942)

Le directeur du 'Petit Brummel'

The Acrobat (1941)

Le médecin-chef

I Accuse (1938)

Soldier Damaseau

Abused Confidence (1937)

le valet des Ferney

Un mauvais garçon (1936)

Le voisin de palier

Mam'zelle Spahi (1934)

Maître Serpolet

Méphisto (1931)

Fortuné Bidon