Sidney Bracey

Sidney Bracey

Sidney Bracey

Sidney Bracey


Dangerously They Live (1941)

Sidewalk Onlooker (uncredited)

No Time for Comedy (1940)

Waiter at Wyler's Party (uncredited)

Brother Orchid (1940)

Steward Bringing Briefcase (uncredited)

Invisible Stripes (1939)

Bank Guard (uncredited)

Four Wives (1939)

Extra at Wedding Reception (uncredited)

A Child Is Born (1939)

Third Drugstore Clerk (uncredited)

We Are Not Alone (1939)

Ben, the Lamplighter

Fast and Furious (1939)

Night Clerk (uncredited)

Dust Be My Destiny (1939)

Nick's First Customer (uncredited)

The Old Maid (1939)

Charles the Butler (uncredited)

Naughty But Nice (1939)

Professor Listening to Radio (uncredited)

The Sun Never Sets (1939)

Minister of Colonial Affairs

Sweepstakes Winner (1939)

Mr. Simpkins (as Sidney Bracy)

Torchy Runs for Mayor (1939)

Dolan's Butler (uncredited)

Dark Victory (1939)

Bartender (uncredited)

Women in the Wind (1939)

Race Official / Spectator (uncredited)

The Little Princess (1939)

Pedestrian Discussing the War

King of the Underworld (1939)

Bert - the Farmer (uncredited)

The Dawn Patrol (1938)

Major Brand's Orderly (as Sidney Bracy)

The Girl Downstairs (1938)

Second Butler (uncredited)

Comet Over Broadway (1938)

English Porter (uncredited)

The Declaration of Independence (1938)

Congress Clerk (uncredited)

Hard to Get (1938)

Carl - Richards' Butler (uncredited)

The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse (1938)

Police Chemist (uncredited)

The Rage of Paris (1938)

Opera House Usher (uncredited)

Invisible Enemy (1938)

Kamarov's Butler

Arsène Lupin Returns (1938)

Squad Car Driver (uncredited)

Love Is a Headache (1938)

Waiter (uncredited)

A Night at the Movies (1937)

Movie Patron (uncredited)

Fight for Your Lady (1937)

Densmore's Servant (uncredited)

Breakfast for Two (1937)

Clarence - Blair's Butler

The Wrong Road (1937)

Waiter (Uncredited)

Easy Living (1937)

Hornsby - Mary's Chauffeur (uncredited)

She Had to Eat (1937)

Waiter (uncredited)

Shall We Dance (1937)

First Steward (uncredited)

A Star Is Born (1937)

Burke's Butler (uncredited)

Call It a Day (1937)

Flower Shop Owner (uncredited)

Maid of Salem (1937)

Townsman (Uncredited)

Sinner Take All (1936)

Lampier's Butler (uncredited)

Sworn Enemy (1936)

Waiter (uncredited)

San Francisco (1936)

Burley's Butler Allen (uncredited)

Changing of the Guard (1936)

Grayson, the Butler

Trouble for Two (1936)

Noel's Henchman (Uncredited)

One Rainy Afternoon (1936)

George, Butler (Uncredited)

Sutter's Gold (1936)

Smythe - Sutter's Accountant

The Preview Murder Mystery (1936)

Du Beck's Valet (Uncredited)

The Voice of Bugle Ann (1936)

Court Clerk (uncredited)

Let 'em Have It (1935)

Butler at Spencer Home

Forsaking All Others (1934)

Paula's Chauffeur (Uncredited)

Broadway Bill (1934)

Higgins' 2nd Butler (uncredited)

What Every Woman Knows (1934)

Constituent Shouting 'Three Cheers' (uncredited)

Outcast Lady (1934)

Napier's Butler

Many Happy Returns (1934)

Movie Butler (uncredited)

Massacre (1934)

Norma's Butler (uncredited)

Duck Soup (1933)

Mrs. Teasdale's Butler (uncredited)

Only Yesterday (1933)

Second Butler (Uncredited)

The Intruder (1933)

Carlo - Valet

What! No Beer? (1933)

Dr. Smith (uncredited)

Little Orphan Annie (1932)

Butler (as Sidney Bracy)

Queen Kelly (1932)

Prince Wolfram's Lackey

Tangled Destinies (1932)

McGinnis, posing as Professor Marmont

Red-Headed Woman (1932)

Man Wanting to Use Phone Booth (uncredited)

Letty Lynton (1932)

Waiter (Uncredited)

Freaks (1932)

Hans' Butler (uncredited)

The Monster Walks (1932)

Herbert Wilkes (as Sidney Bracy)

The Phantom of Paris (1931)

Volunteer from Audience (uncredited)

Sporting Blood (1931)

The Tout (uncredited)

Dance, Fools, Dance (1931)

Albert (uncredited)

Ten Cents a Dance (1931)

Wilson, Carlton's Butler

Reducing (1931)

Beasley's Butler

Along Came Youth (1930)

Bit Role (uncredited)

Follow Thru (1930)

Doctor (uncredited)

Doughboys (1930)

Recruiter (uncredited)

The Flirting Widow (1930)

The Second Butler (uncredited)

Children of Pleasure (1930)

Miles the Butler (uncredited)

The Bishop Murder Case (1929)

Pyne (as Sydney Bracey)

Sioux Blood (1929)

Cheyenne Jones

Show People (1928)

Dramatic Director

Home, James (1928)

Haskins (the butler)

The Matinee Idol (1928)

Don's Valet (uncredited)

The Crowd (1928)

John's Supervisor (uncredited)

Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927)

Dance Hall Manager (uncredited)

My Best Girl (1927)

Butler Serving Dinner (uncredited)

The Merry Widow (1926)

Danilo's Footman (uncredited)

The Blackbird (1926)

Bertie's No. 1 Man

A Slave of Fashion (1925)

Hobson (as Sidney Bracy)

Leap Year (1924)

Loris Keene's Press Agent (uncredited)

Merry-Go-Round (1923)

Gisella's Groom

Manslaughter (1922)

Member of the Jury (uncredited)

The Million Dollar Mystery (1914)

Jones - Hargreave's Butler / Stanley Hargreave