Georgiy Vitsin

Georgiy Vitsin

Georgiy Vitsin

Georgiy Vitsin


Tale for Natasha (1986)

Kuzka (voice) / Кузя

Приключения домовёнка (1985)

Kuz'ka (voice) / Кузя, Кот

A House for Kuzka (1984)

Kuzya (voice) / Кузя (все серии), один из грузчиков и гостей

The Winter's Tale (1981)

Bullfinch (voice)

Как лиса зайца догоняла (1979)

hare (voice) / заяц (голос)

Rabbit and Fly (1977)

The Sparrow (voice)

While the Clocks Are Ticking (1976)

Masha's grandfather / Great Gardener

It Can't Be! (1975)

Katerina's Father

Car, Violin and Blot the Dog (1974)

музыкант на Банджо и Гитаре

The Bag Of Apples (1974)

Hare (voice) / Заяц (голос)

The Sannikov Land (1973)

Ignati, the Perfilyev's servant

Incorrigible Liar (1973)

Aleksei Ivanovich Tyutyurin

Gentlemen of Fortune (1971)

Гаврила Петрович Шереметьев, «Хмырь»

Spring Tale (1971)

Царь Берендей

12 Chairs (1971)

монтёр Мечников

How We Were Searching for Tishka (1971)

Stepanov, sergeant of militia

The Guardian (1970)

Тебеньков, алкоголик и тунеядец

Save the Drowning Man (1968)

Начальник милиции

Хочу бодаться! (1968)

The Hare (voice) / Заяц

About the Hippopotamus Who Was Afraid of Inoculations (1966)

The Wolf, The Giraffe, The Crocodile (voice) / Волк, Жираф, Крокодил

Road to the Sea (1966)

Aleksandr Terentyevich

Rikki-Tikki-Tavi (1965)

отец Рикки-Тикки-Тави, озвучка

The First Teacher (1965)

voice (Kartinbai)

Little Hare (1964)

помощник режиссера Федор Михайлович

Cain the XVIII-th (1963)

Freelance Hangman

The Road to Berth (1962)


Dve skazki (1962)

зайка (voice)

Valuable Kopeck (1961)

Old five-copeck coin(voice)

The Key (1961)

daddy (voice)

Cipollino (1961)

cactus (voice)

It Was I Who Drew the Little Man (1960)

кондитер / поэт, желавший славы

Different Wheels (1960)

The Cockerel (voice) / Петух

Fathers and Sons (1959)


At Exactly Three Fifteen ... (1959)

[Karandash,Petrushka] (voice)

How Ivan Ivanovich fell out with Ivan Nikiforovich (1959)

Николай Васильевич Гоголь

The Cat's House (1958)

Billy-Goat (voice)

Once Upon a Time (1957)

заморский принц / дьяк

Don Quixote (1957)

Sanson Carrasco (as G. Vitsin)

Wishes Come True (1957)

Nobleman / Guard (voice, uncredited)

Adventures of Murzilka (1956)

Starling / Janitor Uncle Egor ( uncredited )

The Ugly Duckling (1956)

Turkeycock / Rooster / Goose / Cat (voice) / индюк / петухи / гусь / кот

Maksim Perepelitsa (1955)

Musii, an old man

A Brave Hare (1955)

храбрый заяц

The Enchanted Boy (1955)

Rozenblom (voice)

The Orange Neck (1954)

Podkovkin (voice)

Magic Store (1953)

Wizard Store Manager (voice)

Man of Music (1952)

Nikolai V. Gogol

A Peacock's Tail (1946)

Doctor Aybolit (voice) (uncredited) / Доктор Айболит

Hello, Moscow! (1945)

Railwayman (uncredited)