Natalya Fateeva

Natalya Fateeva

Natalya Fateeva

Natalya Fateeva


Before We Part (1984)

Larisa Andreyevna

It's Just Awful! (1982)

Literature teacher

Синдикат-2 (1981)

Любовь Деренталь

Practical Joke (1977)

Kaleriya Georgiyevna

Teens in the Universe (1974)

Антонина Алексеевна Козелкова

Moscow-Cassiopeia (1974)

мать Паши Козелкова

Gentlemen of Fortune (1971)

Людмила, дочь профессора Мальцева

Children of Don Quixote (1966)

Marina Nikolaevna, director of the theater

Я - "Берёза" (1964)

Yelena («Beryoza»)