Zoya Fyodorova

Zoya Fyodorova

Zoya Fyodorova

Zoya Fyodorova


Car, Violin and Blot the Dog (1974)

Мария Фёдоровна, бабушка Олега

Аварийное положение (1973)

Глафира Васильевна

The Cutlass (1973)

Misha's grandmother

Here Is My Village (1972)

тетя Глаша

Шельменко-денщик (1971)

Фенна Степановна Шпак

Attention, Turtle! (1970)

Viktoriya Mikhailovna

Wedding in Malinovka (1967)

Горпина Дормидонтовна

The Ugly Story (1966)

Pseldonimov's mother

The Cook (1966)

fraudster at the market

A Foreign Woman (1965)

Evdokiya Mikhailovna

Obsession (1965)

Lida's Neighbor

Summer Is Over (1963)

тетя Даша

Adult Children (1961)

Tatyana Ivanovna Korolyova

A Groom from the Right Society (1958)

Elizaveta Vladimirovna, chief doctor

The Variegateds Case (1958)

мать Игоря Пересветова

Honeymoon (1956)

Elizaveta Povariha