Mariya Vinogradova

Mariya Vinogradova

Mariya Vinogradova

Mariya Vinogradova


Russian Ragtime (1993)

Zinaida Petrovna

Gingerbread (1993)

The Shingle (voice)

Gongofer (1992)

Old Woman in flat

Wolfhound (1991)

the owner of the flat

Prince Udacha Andreyevich (1989)


Laughter and Grief by the White Sea (1988)

Ivan's Mother / Cat Mashka (voice)

Родимое пятно (1986)

Марья Степановна, тёща

The Invisible Man (1985)

postoyalitsa v kapore

Пропал Петя-петушок (1985)

The Magpie (voice) / ворона

The Rooks (1983)

Евдокия Ивановна Грач, мать

Верное средство (1982)

Зайчонок / Bunny (voice)

The Garage (1979)

coworker with chicken

The Magic Ring (1979)

Ivan's Mother / Cat Mashka (voice)

Beda (1978)

Klava, bufetchitsa

Приезжая (1977)

Aleksandra Petrovna (tyota Sasha, khozyayka doma)

Office Romance (1977)

член инвентаризационной комиссии

The Ascent (1977)

Village Elder's Wife

About the Little Red Riding Hood (1977)

Третья Старуха

Fourth Height (1977)

соседка Королёвых

Просто так (1976)

The Puppy (voice) / Щенок (голос)

The Brave Tin Soldier (1976)

The Tin Soldier (voice)

Птичка Тари (1976)

Цапля; Слонёнок

Black Chicken (1975)

Alyosha (voice)

The Adventures of Mowgli (1973)

Mowgli (child) (voice)

How to Become a Grown-Up (1967)

The Granny Cat, The Beaver, The Teddy Bear (voice)

The Tale of the Golden Rooster (1967)

The Golden Cockerel (voice)

Yabloko razdora (1962)

Vasilyok (voice)

The Volunteers (1958)

Valya Kukhnarenko

Zoya (1944)

Vinogradova, Zoya's classmate (uncredited)