Mrs. Gheneccio
Aunt Mary
Mrs. Hawkley
Mrs. Bromley
Aunt Kitty Marblehead
Emily Potter
Mrs. Bennet
Valerie de Rossac
The Countess De Lave
Sybil Fitch
Mme. Geraldine Genet
Sybil Fitch
Mrs. Isabel Channing
Mrs. Berry
Mrs. Genevieve Pearson Russell
Mrs. Alice Pemberton
Ollie Radway
Carola P. Gaye
Marcia Bigelow
Tessie Weeks Beatty
Mrs. Sealingsworth
Mrs. Smythe
Clarice Wilton
Effie Floud
Comfort Kirkland
Queen of Malakamokalu, 'Queenie'
Mrs. Widden
Mrs. Clarkson
Mary Blodgett
Flora Whinney
Mrs. Mardick
Mrs. Zelma Hopkins
Mrs. Nellie Rimpleger
Jessie Todd
Mrs. Peabody
Jenny Kent
Mazie Strawn
Mrs. Otis Gary
Mrs. Merritt