Top 250
Laurent Bouzereau
Laurent Bouzereau
Faye (2024)
The Bloody Hundredth (2024)
Mama's Boy (2022)
The Stories of West Side Story (2022)
Natalie Wood: What Remains Behind (2020)
Fallen Kingdom: The Conversation (2018)
The Making of 'Split' (2017)
Five Came Back (2017)
Secrets of the Force Awakens: A Cinematic Journey (2016)
The Making of 'The Visit' (2016)
A Night at the Movies: George Lucas & The World of Fantasy Cinema (2014)
From Gizmo to Gremlins: Creating the Creatures (2014)
Cute. Clever. Mischievous. Intelligent. Dangerous: Making Gremlins (2014)
Roman Polanski: A Film Memoir (2014)
The Wolverine: Path of a Ronin (2013)
A Night at the Movies: Cops & Robbers and Crime Writers (2013)
Don't Say No Until I Finish Talking: The Story of Richard D. Zanuck (2013)
Rescued from Tehran: We Were There (2013)
Mega City Masters: 35 Years of Judge Dredd (2013)
Day of Chaos: The Visual Effects of 'Dredd' (2013)
A Night at the Movies: Hollywood Goes to Washington (2012)
A Night at the Movies: Merry Christmas! (2011)
A Night at the Movies: The Horrors of Stephen King (2011)
The 'Scarface' Phenomenon (2011)
Charlton Heston and Ben-Hur: A Personal Journey (2011)
Return to Jurassic Park (2011)
Capturing Avatar (2010)
Tales from the Future (2010)
A Night at the Movies: The Gigantic World of Epics (2009)
A Night at the Movies: The Suspenseful World of Thrillers (2009)
Wolverine Unleashed: The Complete Origins (2009)
Adventures in Post-Production (2008)
The Happening: Elements of a Scene (2008)
Visions of 'The Happening' (2008)
The Happening: A Day for Night (2008)
Revolution! The Making of 'Bonnie and Clyde' (2008)
The Farrelly Bros.: In the French Tradition (2007)
They Are Here: The Real World of the Poltergeists (2007)
The History of 'Cruising' (2007)
Exorcising 'Cruising' (2007)
Dog Days: The Making of 'Cujo' (2007)
The Warriors: The Phenomenon (2007)
The Warriors: The Beginning (2007)
The Warriors: Battleground (2007)
Sin and Salvation: The Comic Book Origin of Ghost Rider (2007)
The Warriors: The Way Home (2007)
Prince of the City: The Real Story (2007)
Witness to 'Reds' (2006)
Black Rain: Making The Film (2006)
The Politics of the Dead Zone (2006)
Mommie Dearest: Life with Joan (2006)
Mommie Dearest: The Revival of Joan (2006)
Mommie Dearest: Joan Lives On (2006)
Twist by Polanski (2006)
Still Dumb After All These Years (2006)
A Streetcar in Hollywood (2006)
The Making of 'Psycho' (2005)
John Candy: Comic Spirit (2005)
Raging Bull: Inside the Ring (2005)
Raging Bull: Before the Fight (2005)
Raging Bull: After the Fight (2005)
Raging Bull: Outside the Ring (2005)
Deconstructing 'The Village' (2005)
Hitchcock and Dial M (2004)
The China Syndrome: A Fusion of Talent (2004)
The China Syndrome: Creating a Controversy (2004)
The Revamping of Dracula (2004)
The Untouchables: Production Stories (2004)
The Untouchables: Re-Inventing the Genre (2004)
The Untouchables: The Script, the Cast (2004)
The Untouchables: The Classic (2004)
Tess: The Experience (2004)
Tess: From Novel to Screen (2004)
Filming 'Tess' (2004)
Guilt Trip: Hitchcock and 'The Wrong Man' (2004)
3D: A Brief History (2004)
Making "Murder On The Orient Express" (2004)
Mr. Hitchcock Meets the Smiths (2004)
Hitchcock and 'Stage Fright' (2004)
Hitchcock's Confession: A Look at I Confess (2004)
Before the Fact: Suspicious Hitchcock (2004)
Personal History: Foreign Hitchcock (2004)
Strangers on a Train: A Hitchcock Classic (2004)
Duel: A Conversation with Director Steven Spielberg (2004)
Indiana Jones: Making the Trilogy (2003)
The Making of 'Lawrence of Arabia' (2003)
The Making of 'Carlito's Way' (2003)
The Next Picture Show (2003)
Getting the Moon (2003)
Catch Me If You Can: Behind the Camera (2003)
Femme Fatale: Dream Within a Dream (2003)
Day for Night: An Appreciation (2003)
Making 'Signs' (2003)
The Music of 'Indiana Jones' (2003)
The Sound of 'Indiana Jones' (2003)
The Light and Magic of 'Indiana Jones' (2003)
The Making of 'Fahrenheit 451' (2003)
Day for Night: A Conversation with Jacqueline Bisset (2003)
The Stunts of 'Indiana Jones' (2003)
The Making of 'The Producers' (2002)
Serpico: From Real to Reel (2002)
Inside 'Serpico' (2002)
The Making of 'To Catch a Thief' (2002)
Writing And Casting To Catch A Thief (2002)
"Silent Running' By DIrector Douglas Trumbull (2002)
'Silent Running': A Discussion With Bruce Dern 'Lowell Freeman' (2002)
Douglas Trumbull: Then and Now (2002)
Back to the Future: Making the Trilogy (2002)
The Making of 'Casualties of War' (2001)
Eriksson's War: A Talk with Actor Michael J. Fox (2001)
Unmasking Zorro (2001)
The Making of 'Cape Fear' (2001)
Play It Again: A Look Back at 'Play Misty for Me' (2001)
Visualizing 'Carrie' (2001)
The Making of 'Dressed to Kill' (2001)
Acting 'Carrie' (2001)
'Obsession' Revisited (2001)
The Making of 'Unbreakable' (2001)
The Making of Jaws 2 (2001)
The Making of 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind' (2001)
Lawrence of Arabia: A Conversation with Steven Spielberg (2001)
The Andromeda Strain: Making the Film (2001)
'Rear Window' Ethics: Remembering and Restoring a Hitchcock Classic (2001)
'The Trouble with Harry' Isn't Over (2001)
Topaz: An Appreciation by Film Critic/Historian Leonard Maltin (2001)
Plotting 'Family Plot' (2001)
The Story of 'Frenzy' (2001)
Screenwriter John Michael Hayes on 'Rear Window' (2001)
Rope Unleashed (2001)
The Beguiled, Misty, Don & Clint (2001)
Beyond Jurassic Park (2001)
Slashing 'Dressed to Kill' (2001)
Dressed to Kill: An Appreciation by Keith Gordon (2001)
The Bridge on the River Kwai: An Appreciation by Filmmaker John Milius (2000)
The Trouble with 'Marnie' (2000)
All About 'The Birds' (2000)
The Making of 'The Man Who Knew Too Much' (2000)
Music and Sound Design of 'The Sixth Sense' (2000)
The Sixth Sense: A Conversation with M. Night Shyamalan (2000)
The Sixth Sense: Rules and Clues (2000)
The Sixth Sense: The Actors (2000)
The Lady from Shanghai: A Discussion with Peter Bogdanovich (2000)
Beyond Doubt: The Making of Hitchcock's Favorite Film (2000)
The Making of 'Lawrence of Arabia' (2000)
Saboteur: A Closer Look (2000)
'Torn Curtain' Rising (2000)
Conan Unchained: The Making of 'Conan' (2000)
The Making of 'The Bridge on the River Kwai' (2000)
Making 'Taxi Driver' (1999)
The Last Picture Show: A Look Back (1999)
The Big Chill: A Reunion (1999)
The Making of 'American Graffiti' (1998)
The Making of 'Scarface' (1998)
The Making of 'The Lost World' (1997)
The Making of 'DragonHeart' (1997)
The Making of 'E.T. The Extraterrestrial' (1996)
The Making of '1941' (1996)
The Making of 'Jaws' (1995)
Jaws @ 50
The Making of 'Cape Fear'
A Night at the Movies: George Lucas & The World of Fantasy Cinema (2014)
A Night at the Movies: Cops & Robbers and Crime Writers (2013)
Don't Say No Until I Finish Talking: The Story of Richard D. Zanuck (2013)
A Night at the Movies: Hollywood Goes to Washington (2012)
A Night at the Movies: Merry Christmas! (2011)
Charlton Heston and Ben-Hur: A Personal Journey (2011)
A Night at the Movies: The Gigantic World of Epics (2009)
A Night at the Movies: The Suspenseful World of Thrillers (2009)
Adventures in Post-Production (2008)
The History of 'Cruising' (2007)
Exorcising 'Cruising' (2007)
Dog Days: The Making of 'Cujo' (2007)
Prince of the City: The Real Story (2007)
Witness to 'Reds' (2006)
Black Rain: Making The Film (2006)
The Politics of the Dead Zone (2006)
Twist by Polanski (2006)
A Streetcar in Hollywood (2006)
The Making of 'Psycho' (2005)
Raging Bull: After the Fight (2005)
Raging Bull: Inside the Ring (2005)
Raging Bull: Before the Fight (2005)
Raging Bull: Outside the Ring (2005)
Hitchcock and Dial M (2004)
The China Syndrome: A Fusion of Talent (2004)
The China Syndrome: Creating a Controversy (2004)
The Revamping of Dracula (2004)
The Untouchables: Re-Inventing the Genre (2004)
The Untouchables: Production Stories (2004)
The Untouchables: The Script, the Cast (2004)
The Untouchables: The Classic (2004)
Filming 'Tess' (2004)
Tess: The Experience (2004)
Tess: From Novel to Screen (2004)
3D: A Brief History (2004)
Making "Murder On The Orient Express" (2004)
Hitchcock and 'Stage Fright' (2004)
Guilt Trip: Hitchcock and 'The Wrong Man' (2004)
Hitchcock's Confession: A Look at I Confess (2004)
Strangers on a Train: A Hitchcock Classic (2004)
Making 'Saving Private Ryan' (2004)
Indiana Jones: Making the Trilogy (2003)
The Making of 'Lawrence of Arabia' (2003)
The Making of 'Carlito's Way' (2003)
Femme Fatale: Dream Within a Dream (2003)
Day for Night: An Appreciation (2003)
Making 'Signs' (2003)
The Making of 'Fahrenheit 451' (2003)
The Making of 'The Producers' (2002)
Serpico: From Real to Reel (2002)
Writing And Casting To Catch A Thief (2002)
Douglas Trumbull: Then and Now (2002)
'Silent Running': A Discussion With Bruce Dern 'Lowell Freeman' (2002)
Back to the Future: Making the Trilogy (2002)
The Making of 'Casualties of War' (2001)
Eriksson's War: A Talk with Actor Michael J. Fox (2001)
The Making of 'Cape Fear' (2001)
Play It Again: A Look Back at 'Play Misty for Me' (2001)
The Making of 'Dressed to Kill' (2001)
Acting 'Carrie' (2001)
Visualizing 'Carrie' (2001)
'Obsession' Revisited (2001)
The Making of Jaws 2 (2001)
Lawrence of Arabia: A Conversation with Steven Spielberg (2001)
The Andromeda Strain: Making the Film (2001)
Plotting 'Family Plot' (2001)
'Rear Window' Ethics: Remembering and Restoring a Hitchcock Classic (2001)
Topaz: An Appreciation by Film Critic/Historian Leonard Maltin (2001)
The Story of 'Frenzy' (2001)
Screenwriter John Michael Hayes on 'Rear Window' (2001)
Rope Unleashed (2001)
'The Trouble with Harry' Isn't Over (2001)
Slashing 'Dressed to Kill' (2001)
Dressed to Kill: An Appreciation by Keith Gordon (2001)
The Bridge on the River Kwai: An Appreciation by Filmmaker John Milius (2000)
The Trouble with 'Marnie' (2000)
The Making of 'The Man Who Knew Too Much' (2000)
The Lady from Shanghai: A Discussion with Peter Bogdanovich (2000)
Beyond Doubt: The Making of Hitchcock's Favorite Film (2000)
Saboteur: A Closer Look (2000)
The Making of 'Lawrence of Arabia' (2000)
Conan Unchained: The Making of 'Conan' (2000)
'Torn Curtain' Rising (2000)
The Making of 'The Bridge on the River Kwai' (2000)
The Big Chill: A Reunion (1999)
The Making of 'American Graffiti' (1998)
The Making of 'Scarface' (1998)
The Making of 'The Lost World' (1997)
The Making of 'E.T. The Extraterrestrial' (1996)
The Making of '1941' (1996)
The Making of 'Jaws' (1995)
The Making of 'Cape Fear'
The Shark Is Still Working: The Impact & Legacy of 'Jaws' (2009)
The Story of 'Frenzy' (2001)
Self - Presenter